Nestled amidst the bustling streets of Little Newport Street, our company stands as a beacon of creativity, challenging norms, and redefining the rules of storytelling.
Our latest venture, "COLD TAPES: Winter Over," epitomises our commitment to pushing the boundaries of narrative exploration. Developed in collaboration with industry titan Spotify, this immersive audio experience blurs the lines between reality and fiction, inviting listeners to embark on a journey of mystery and intrigue set against a wintry backdrop.
But "COLD TAPES" is just one example of our dedication to innovation and creativity. From our Ambie-nominated Dolby Atmos-rich drama, "The Salvation," to our reimagining of classic legends like William Tell into epic feature films, Free Turn Entertainment continues to push the boundaries of storytelling.
With upcoming feature projects from BAFTA-winning writer Matt Greenhalgh and BAFTA winner Farren Blackburn, we promise a diverse range of cinematic offerings that challenge, provoke, and resonate with audiences worldwide.
At Free Turn Entertainment, storytelling reigns supreme, and we invite you to join us on this journey into the unknown. Get involved in the conversation using #FreeTurnEntertainment, and together, let's shape the future of entertainment.